Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inducing lactation


I should have been keeping a journal since we’re a year into this process, but I haven’t. First failure as a mom! I want to breast feed the babies, just like any mother that’s having a baby via a surrogate, to do that you need a medication not approved by the FDA. 

Fun fact: Reglan is used to induce lactation but it can penetrate brain matter, blood, and is detected in breast milk. Domperidone (what I’m taking) doesn’t penetrate either and only trace amounts are found in breast milk. 

After searching and more searching I found that you have a few options to buy domperidone. You can buy from an over seas pharmacy or buy it from eBay. I chose to try the eBay version since other people have used it and it’s helped. Tonight was the first dose which is ironic because a year ago today we took our first IVF shots. Every time we completed a step I thought ok I can breathe now. The hard part is over. I didn’t realize it then, but the hard part just started.

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