Thursday, January 31, 2013

My assistant chef has four legs and a good nose.

     I have a huge sweet tooth, and today I was (or felt) lucky enough to find all the ingredients to make a coco pound cake this afternoon when I came home. I mixed everything up, put it in the stem pan and set the timer for ninety minutes. About thirty minutes in to the cooking I smelled something burning, but I knew it had a lot of time left to go. Right when I walked in to the kitchen I could see Bear's face, he was standing on the patio furniture couch looking in the window throwing a fit barking, not to mention all the smoke. Apparently my pan wasn't big enough for the mixture I had, it had risen and was all over the bottom of the oven burning. I opened all the windows to get the smoke out and I was trying to clean up the oven, but Bear was so upset I had to go outside and calm him down. The treats had more of a calming affect than I did, but whatever works. At least I know now I have someone else watching over the kitchen when I'm off doing something else.

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